Celebrating 10 Years at Aamodt / Plumb
Aamodt / Plumb Architects was founded in May 2007 by Mette Aamodt and Andrew Plumb. And this month we celebrate our 10 year anniversary.
They say that 50% of firms fold after the first 5 years and another 25% after the next 5 years. So we are happy to have made it this far and are planning on sticking around for a lot longer.
So much thanks goes to our clients, our collaborators and our former and current employees. Without all of you this would not have been possible.
Please join us in celebrating at our Cambridge office on June 8, 2017 from 6-8pm. Rsvp to mette@aamodtplumb.com. Or follow along on Facebook Live if you can’t make it.
Here’s to another 10!