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Slow Living on Willow

A sustainable Scandinavian-inspired new residence in the heart of Cambridge, designed and built by Aamodt / Plumb.

Why live at Slow Living on Willow?

A simpler life that is healthy and sustainable

Imagine a haven in the city where you can slow down, pause and be present. A place that is calm, soothing, engages your senses and connects you to nature in unexpected ways.

A simple palette of natural materials, sourced locally and fairly, presented the way nature intended. Bright, warm and inviting spaces. Understated, modern and intriguing exterior. The epitome of “less but better.” 

A simpler and slower life that is healthy and sustainable. Less reliant on cars, with a location on a side street near public transportation, dedicated bike paths, and nearby shops and restaurants. Inspired by the best Scandinavian architecture, the building is designed for living – slow living.

A Unique Offering

Slow Living on Willow is a sustainable, Scandinavian-inspired new residence in the heart of Cambridge, designed and built by Aamodt / Plumb. The project offers individual ownership in a three unit building with shared common space.

Aamodt / Plumb was hired by the developer to design and build this project. Their mission is to create homes that are good, clean and fair. Slow Living on Willow is their first market-rate project designed and built on these principles, offering a rare opportunity for values-driven homeowners at this price-point.

The downloadable brochure includes floor plans, unit specifics and an overview of key materials and sustainable features.

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What values define Slow Living on Willow?

Every Home Should be good, clean and fair

A home that is good, clean and fair means that it is well designed and well built, with healthy, sustainable materials and fair labor.

A good home is beautiful to inspire joy in our daily lives. It connects us to nature to help us slow down, reflect, rejuvenate and heal. It is well designed and well built so that it will last for generations. And it is designed for the common good, to serve its inhabitants and community now and in the future.

Clean materials, design and construction make the home healthy for people and the planet. Locally sourced, sustainably forested real cedar shingles. Electric appliances throughout and solar hook-ups on the top floor. High performance energy efficient construction using recycled no VOC insulation.

Fairly sourced materials and labor. Workers are valued for their skills, paid a living wage and compensated if they are hurt. Dignity and respect above profit. The result is seen in the pride and craftsmanship of the work.

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Ground Floor Plan


Slow Living on Willow is located in the heart of Cambridge, in a great neighborhood, surrounded by multi-family homes, schools, parks and public transportation. It is just steps from the new King Open School, a public elementary school with a social justice foundation.

A few blocks away are the restaurants, cafes and bars of Inman, Union and Kendall Square. The new green line station is at Union Square along with a host of new developments, including Boynton Yards. And Kendall Square is known worldwide for MIT, tech and biotech (and it has a red line subway station too!).


Janovitz + Tse

Listing Agents

Bill Janovitz + John Tse
(781) 865-0992

Slow Living on Willow is owned and developed by 145 Willow St, LLC