The Design Build Process: An Illustrated Game Board To Guide You Step By Step
Designing and building a home can be a confusing process, but we want to make it easy for you to understand. We provide a turn-key approach called Architect Led Design Build which offers numerous benefits to creating a custom home including speed, greater cost savings, a single-point of responsibility, fewer disputes, less risk and higher quality outcomes. This is because you, the client, hires just a single entity, us, to both design and build your home. Only one contract covers the entire project, integrating the thought of the design with the craft of the building.
There are three phases to the Architect Led Design Build process. The Design Phase takes between 4-6 months depending on the size and complexity of the project. It involves a dialogue with you structured over a series of meetings with a particular theme: Big Picture, Space, Light and Form, Look and Feel, Systems, and Selections. The themes progress from general to specific as we work together to develop the design. We can also help you with furnishings for an additional cost, eliminating the need for a separate Interior Designer. This phase culminates with the Design Package.
The Documentation Phase starts with the Permit Set and ends with the Construction Documents where we create the drawings, details, and specifications to build the house. This takes between 2-3 months. Once the Construction Documents are complete, we will begin the Start Build Construction phase, starting with bidding. Construction may take between 6-18 months, again depending on the size and complexity of the project.
By using our Architect Led Design Build process your project will progress through these phases in the most efficient way. By comparison, the typical Design-Bid-Build process usually takes about 6-12 months longer.
To track the progress of the design and construction of your home step by step, we have created this illustrated game board as a guide. Sign up and the game board along with the legend and instructions will be delivered to your email address.